MOVEMENTS AT A GLANCE (diagram below)

staggering to the RIGHT;
LEFT nystagmus

(575k) (287k)

both eyes deviated to the RIGHT
(away from the hemiplegia); inability to
voluntarily turn eyes past the midline to the LEFT;
NO muscle atrophy; NO diploplia

(574k) (287k)

(660k) (330k)

both eyes deviated to the RIGHT
(toward the hemiplegia); inability to voluntarily
turn eyes past the midline to the LEFT; NO muscle
atrophy; NO diploplia

(624k) (312k)

(355k) (178k)

both eyes deviated to the RIGHT;
inability to voluntarily turn eyes past the midline
to the LEFT; ATROPHY of the LEFT lateral rectus but
not the right medial rectus; NO diploplia

(337k) (170k)

(559k) (279k)

LEFT eye deviated medially
Diploplia (corrected by turning head to LEFT)
ATROPHY of the LEFT lateral rectus

(398k) (199k)

(508k) (254k)

RIGHT eye deviated laterally
Diploplia (corrected by turning head to the
NO atrophy of the right medial rectus (can still
contract the right medial rectus during
convergence; convergence center is rostral to the
occulomotor complex)

(637k) (319k)

(280k) (140k)

(473k) (237k)