Point 11
The cell group in the brain stem that receives VISCEROsensory information is called NUCLEUS SOLITARIUS. This sad, little, lonely nucleus lies lateral to the dorsal motor nucleus X (pregang. parasym. of C.N. X), and next to (and sometimes surrounds, but this is hard to see in our sections) the solitary fasciculus or tract (somewhat similar arrangement as spinal nuc. and tract V eh?). Only a portion of the entire rostrocaudal axis of the solitary complex can be seen in our series of 10 brain stem sections, and this is on level #3. In order to show the rostral and caudal divisions of the solitary complex (which differ functionally), I have taken some artistic license in the drawing below by schematically illustrating the solitary complex as a column extending above (rostral part) and below (caudal part) level #3. I hope this is not confusing.